Our paper “Beetle-inspired bi-directional, asymmetric interlocking using geometry-tunable nanohairs (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Pang et al) ” was introduced in VerticalNew of Engineering Business Journal (USA Presses). http://www.verticalnews.com/premium_newsletters/Journal-of-Technology/2012-09-11/2298TE.html
Research from Seoul National University Provides New Data on Applied Materials & Interfaces September 11th, 2012
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Journal of Technology -- Investigators publish new report on Applied Materials & Interfaces. According to news reporting out of Seoul, South Korea, by VerticalNews editors, research stated, "We present bidirectional, asymmetric interlocking behaviors between tilted micro-and nanohair arrays inspired from the actual wing locking device of beetles. The measured shear adhesion force between two identical tilted microhair arrays (1.5 m radius, 30 m height) turned out to be higher in the reverse direction than that in the angled direction, suggesting that the directionality of beetle's microtrichia may play a...