Welcome to SP3 Lab
Super-intelligent Polymer 3D-Architecture (SP3) Lab
for Bioinspired Soft Electronics, Robotics and Biomedical Devices
Super-지능형 고분자 3D 아키텍처 연구실
for 생체모사 고분자 전자소자, 로봇, 바이오메디컬 소자

■ Heon Joon Lee, Hyeongho Min, Siyeon Jang, Jihyun Lee, Changhyun Pang, "A capillarity-enhanced skin adhesive with highly drainable wrinkled octopus-inspired architectures" ChinaNANO 2019 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, (August 17-19, 2019) [Poster Presentation]
■ Jihyun Lee, Heon Joon Lee, Siyeon Jang, Hyeongho Min, Changhyun Pang, "Highly stretchable, strain-insensitive fiber-type temperature sensor using bioinspired wrinkle architectures" ChinaNANO 2019 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, (August 17-19, 2019) [Poster Presentation]
■ Da Wan Kim, sangyul Baik, Heonjun Lee, Jihyun Lee, Gui Won Hwang, a Jiwon Kim, Changhyun Pang, "Amphibian like hierarchical microchannels embedded hydrgel for drainable adhesion with peel resistance" International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE), New Jersey, USA (June 11-14, 2019) [Poster Presentation]
■ Siyeon Jang, Jihyun Lee, Changhyun Pang, "Carbon-based Conductive fiber with Elastic Micro-beads for Highly Sensitive Strain sensors" 31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Sapporo, Japan, (November 13-16, 2018) [Poster Presentation]
■ Sangyul Baik, Da Wan Kim, Ji Won Kim, Seung Hoon Choi, Changhyun Pang, "Octopus-inspired 3-dimensional architectures for medical skin-patches and wearable devices" IUMRS-ICEM 2018, Daejeon, Korea, (19-24, August, 2018 ), [Poster Presentation]
■ Da Wan Kim, Sangyul Baik, Hyeongho Min, Heon Joon Lee, Suyeon Jeong, Changhyun Pang, "Bio-inspired hierarchical micro-structuredadhesive patches for flexible and skin-attachable devices" IUMRS-ICEM 2018, Daejeon, Korea, (19-24, August, 2018 ), [Poster Presentation]
■Changhyun Pang, "Bioinspired Multiscale Architectures for Skin-Patches and Wearable Devices" The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnolgy Conference, Jeju, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, (6-9, November, 2017), [Invited Speaker]
■ Changhyun Pang, "Octopus-Inspired Micro-Architectures for Versatile Applications", The 1st Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engnieering, Jeju, Jeju internatinal Conventin Center, (11-15, September, 2017), [Invited Speaker]
■ D. W. Kim, S. Baik, C. Pang, "Octopus-frog inspired programmable hierarchical architectures for skin patches and medical applications", SPIE OPTICS + PHOTONICS, USA, (6-10, August, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Baik J. Kim, U. Jung, C. Pang, "Meniscus-controllable hierarchical architectures for wet and dry adhesion", SPIE OPTICS + PHOTONICS, USA, (6-10, August, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ Changhyun Pang, "Bio-inspired Adhesions for Wearable and E-skin Applications", Small Science Symposium 2017, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, (14-17, May, 2017), [Keynote Speaker]
■ D. W. Kim, Y. Park, S. Beik, S. Jeong, C. Pang, "Frog-inspired programmable micro-architectures for skin patches and medical applications", Small Science Symposium 2017, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, (14-17, May, 2017) [Poster Presentation]
■ Y. Park, J. Shim, G. Yi, H. Chae, J. Bae, S. Kim, C. Pang, "Self-Aligned, Conductive, and Lithography-Less Patterns for Stretchable and Skin-Conformal Sensors", 2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, USA (April. 17-21, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Jeong, H. Min, Y. Park, C. Pang, "Bio-compatible micro-particles programmed with magnetic anisotropy ", 2017 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, USA (April 17-21, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ D. Kim, Y. Park, S. Beik, S. Jeong, C. Pang, "Frog-inspired programmable nano-architectures for skin patches and medical applications", 2016 ENGE conferences, Jeju, Korea (November 6-9), [Poster Presentation]
■ Y. Park, J. Shim, S. Beik, T. Yang, G.Lee, C. Pang, "A highly conformal and stretchable sensor on curved bio-surface using all-solution-processable assembly of graphene nano-platelets", 2016 ENGE conferences, Jeju, Korea (November 6-9), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Lim, Y. Kim, S. Jeong, C. Pang, B. Weon, "Visualization of the Cassie-Wenzel transition with X-ray microscopy", DFD16 Meeting of TheAmerican Physical Society, Portland, USA [Poster Presentation] Abstract submitted
■ H. Han, S. Baik, J. Seo, S. Shin, C. Pang, T. Lee "Highly sensitive optical hydrogen sensor using biomimetic nano-actuator.", 2016 International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2016), Tokyo, Japan (October 29-31, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Baik, D. Kim, C. Pang, "Octopodidae-inspired Reversible Wet, Dry, Skin Adhesive using Programmable Multiscale Architectures.", 2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, USA (March 28-April 1, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ Y. Park, J. Shim, G.Lee, C. Pang, "Vacuum-free, all-solution-processable, stretchable and highly sensitive graphene-on-polymer
strain sensor for bio-signal monitoring.", 2016 The international conference on engineering and applied science, Singapore (February 18-20, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ C. Pang, S. Baik, Y. Park, "Bio-inspired intelligent interfaces and applications based on programmable nano-architectures" 생체재료학회 Young Scientist Forum, (December, 4, 2015) [invited talk]
■ C. Pang, "Bio-inspired intelligent interfaces and applications based on programmable interlocking" 공업화학회 추계학술대회, (November, 6, 2015) [invited talk]
■ C. Pang, "Bio-inspired wearable electronics using programmable interlocking of multiscale fibers" 금속재료학회 추계학술대회, (November, 2015) [invited talk]
■ C. Pang, "Bio-inspired wearable electronics using programmable interlocking of multiscale fibers.", 한독 연구기관 간 국제 공동연구 협력 MOU 체결 및 미래 스마트 텍스트로닉스 기술 컨퍼런스, Seoul, Korea (October. 10-15, 2015), [invited talk]
■ Y. Park, S. Baik, S. Jung, C. Pang, "A bio-inspired conformal skin patch using subsurface micro-channels.", The 45th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, Busan, Korea (August. 09-14, 2015), [Poster Presentation]
■ C. Pang , "Bio-Inspired Multiscale Integration: Towards The Next Level of Intelligent System", 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Materials and Interfaces International Symposium on Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Jeju, Korea (November 05-08, 2014) [invited talk]
■ C. Pang and K. -Y. Suh, “A Bio-inspired Reversible Nano-Interlocking for Flexible and Highly Sensitive Strain Gauge Sensor”, MRS (Materials Research Society) 2012 Fall Boston, MA, USA (Dec. 26-30, 2012) [Oral Presentaiton for GSA-Silver Award/ Nominated Poster]
■ C. Pang and K. -Y. Suh, “A Bio-inspired Reversible Nano-interlocker for Multifunctional Layered Sensor”, NAMIS International Autumn School 2012, Institute of Inducstrial Science (IIS) University of Tokyo, Japan, (September 10-14, 2102)
■ C. Pang, J.-h. Kim, and K. -Y. Suh, “A bio-inspired, multiplex, flexible strain gauge sensor using reversible interlocking of nanofibers”, Gorden Research Conference (GRC), Bioinspired materials, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, USA (June 24-29, 2012)
■ C. Pang and K. -Y. Suh, “Flexible and highly sensitive strain gauge sensor using reversible interlocking of nanofibers”, 8th Korea-China Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials, Jeju, Korea (June 17-21, 2012)
■ C. Pang, D. Kang, S. M. Kim, W. G. Bae, and K.-Y. Suh, “Bio-inspired Reversible Nano-interlocker with Interfacial Model and Multifunctional, Flexible, Real-time Mechano-Sensor Application”, Pioneer Nano Seoul Forum 2011 (P-NSF), (2011).
■ S. M. Kim, C. Pang, J. Y. Jung, K. Kim, T.-J. Yang and K. Y. Suh, “Open-Surface Rapid PCR Device Using Free Sliding on Lotus-Leaf-like Surface”, Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology(NNT 2011), Jeju, Korea (2011).
■ C. Pang, D. Kang, S. M. Kim, and K. Y. Suh, “Bio-inspired Reversible Nano-interlocker for Multifunctional Layered Sensor,” Adhesion, Science of Gordon-kenan Research Seminar (GRC), Bates College, Lewiston, USA (2011).
■ C. Pang, S. M. Kim, K. Y. Suh, “The geometric characteristics of tunable polymeric nano-fastener”, The International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology (ISNIT), Seoul, Korea (2010).
■ C. Pang, J.-h. Kim, K. Y. Suh, “Velcro-Like Unidirectional And Robust Polymeric Nanohairy Fastener Induced By Van Der Waals Force”, Joint International Symposia on Micro & NanoTechnology and Micro/nanoscale Energy Conversion and Transport 2010, Seoul, Korea (2010).
■ C. Pang, J. Hwang, K. Park. D. Jung, H. Kim, H. Chae, “Efficiency Enhancement of Polymer Solar Cells by Patterning Nanoscale Indium Tin Oxide Layer”, Materials Today Asia, Beijing, China (2007)
■ Da Wan Kim, Sangyul Baik, Hyeongho Min, Sungwoo chun, Heon Joon Lee, Changhyun Pang, "Highly Permeable Skin Patch with Conductive Hierarchical Architectures Inspired by Amphibians and Octopi for Omnidirectionally Enhanced Wet Adhesion" 한국 고분자학회 2019년 춘계학술발표회 2019, Busan, Korea, (10-12, April, 2019 ), [Oral Presentation]
■ HyeongHo Min, Changhyun Pang, " Magnetic-programmable Cylindrical Micro particles by facile Reaping method" 한국 고분자학회 2018년 추계학술발표회, Gyeongju, Hwabaek International Convention Center (10-12, October, 2018), [Poster presentation]
■ Ji Won Kim, Sangyul Baik, Da Wan Kim, Changhyun Pang "Interlocking-layered Dry-adhesive for Enhanced Energy Dissipation" 한국고분자학회 2018년 추계학술발표회, Gyeongju, Hwabaek International Convention Center (10-12, October, 2018), [Poster presentation]
■ Sangyul Baik, Da Wan Kim, Ji Won Kim, Seung Hoon Choi, Changhyun Pang, " Octopus-Protuberance-inspired 3D Microstructures for Reversible Wet/Dry Adhesions" 한국 고분자학회 춘계학술대회, Daejeon, DCC, (4-5, April, 2018), [Oral presentation]
■ Da Wan Kim, Sang Yul Baik, Hyeong Ho Min, Suyeon Jung, Heon Joon Lee, Changhyun pang, " Bioinspired, highly conformable, water-drainable adhesive patch for under water surface and skin" 한국 고분자학회 춘계학술대회, Daejeon, DCC, (4-5, April, 2018), [Poster presentation]
■ Seung Hoon Choi, Changhyun Pang, "A fiber-based sensor using hybrid nanocomposites for monitoring human-motions", 2017 한국공업화학회 추계 학술대회, Busan, BEXCO, (8-10, November, 2017), [Poster presentation]
■ Hyeong Ho Min, Da Wan Kim, Changhyun Pang, "Bio-inspired stretchable patch sensor and electrode for bio-signal measurement", 2017 한국공업화학회 추계 학술대회, Busan, BEXCO, (8-10, November, 2017), [Poster presentation]
■ Ji Won Kim, Sangyul Baek, Dawan Kim, Suyeon Jung, Changhyun Pang, "Bio-inspired reversible microstructures-interconnected adhesive for dry and wet surfaces", 2017 한국공업화학회 추계 학술대회, Busan, BEXCO, (8-10, November, 2017), [Poster presentation]
■ Changhyun Pang, "문어빨판 미세구조물 모사기반 점착제 개발 및 응용 기술", 2017 한국공업화학회 추계 학술대회, Busan, BEXCO, (8-10, November, 2017), [Invited Speaker]
■ S. Jeong, S. Jang, Y. Lee, S. Cho, J. Seo, C. Pang, "Multiscale Analysis on Fabricating Magnetically Programmable Micro-particles", 2017 고분자학회 추계학술대회, Jeju, Jeju convention center, (11-13, October, 2017), [Poster presentation]
■ Changhyun Pang, "Bioinspired 3-Dimensional Architectures for Skin-Patches and Wearable Devices", 한국고분자학회 2017년 추계학술발표회, Jeju, Jeju internatinal Conventin Center, (11-13, October, 2017), [Invited Speaker]
■ Y. Park, J. Shim, S. Jeong, G. Yi, S. Kim, C. Pang, "Self-aligned Conductive Micro-patterns of Liquid-driven Graphene Nanoplatelet Networks for Stretchable and Skin-conformal Sensor Array", 2017 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 05-07, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Baik, D. Kim, Y. Park, C. Pang, "A wet-tolerant adhesive patch" 2017 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 05-07, 2017), [Poster Presentation]
■ Y. Park, J. Shim, Gi-Ra Yi, C. Pang, "A highly stretchable strain sensor using self-patterned assembly of graphene nano-platelets", 12th Korea-China Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials, Seoul, Korea (July. 10-15, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ D. Kim, Y. Park, J. Kim, C. Pang, "Frog-inspired programmable nano-architectures for skin patches and medical applications", 2016 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 04-06, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Jeong, S. Baik, J. Kim, Y. Park, C. Pang, "Tunable assembly of anisotropic janus particle replications in non-wetting templates", 2016 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 04-06, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ D. Kim, Y. Park, J. Kim, C. Pang, "Frog-inspired programmable nano-architectures for skin patches and medical applications", 한국진공학회, 국내정기학술대회, Kangwon, Korea (February. 17-19, 2016), [Poster Presentation]
■ C. Pang, "Bio-inspired intelligent interfaces and application based on programmable interlocking", 2015 한국공업화학회, 추계 총회 및 학술대회, Jeju, Korea (November. 4-6, 2015), [Invited Lecture]
■ Y. Park, S. Baik, S. Jeong C. Pang, "A Bio-inspired Conformal Skin Patch using Subsurface Micro-Channels", 2015 추계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daegu, Korea (August. 06-18, 2015), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Baik, D. Kim, C. Pang, "Octopus-inspired 3-dimensional Microstructures for Facile Reversible Omni-stick-adhesives", 2015 추계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daegu, Korea (August. 06-18, 2015), [Poster Presentation]
■ C. Pang, "Bio- Inspired Wearable Electronics using Programmable Interlocking of Multiscale Fibers", 2015 대한금속재료학회, 춘계 학술대회, Changwon Korea (April. 22-24, 2015), [Invited Lecture]
■ Y. Park, S. Baik, S. Jeong C. Pang, "A Bio-inspired Reversible Wet and Skin Adhesive using Subsurface Micro-Channels", 2015 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 08-10, 2015), [Poster Presentation]
■ S. Baik, D. Kim, C. Pang, "Theoretical analysis of flexible strain-gauge sensor with nanofibrillar mechanical interlocking", 2015 춘계 고분자 학회 학술대회, Daejeon, Korea (April. 08-10, 2015), [Poster Presentation]
■ C. Pang, "Bio- Inspired Multiscale Integration: Towards The Next Level of Wearable Devices", 2014 추계 고분자 학회 심포지엄, Jeju, Korea (Oct. 06-08, 2014), [Invited Lecture]
■ Dozens of Oral/Poster Presentations in Domestic Conference.