Welcome to SP3 Lab
Super-intelligent Polymer 3D-Architecture (SP3) Lab
for Bioinspired Soft Electronics, Robotics and Biomedical Devices
Super-지능형 고분자 3D 아키텍처 연구실
for 생체모사 고분자 전자소자, 로봇, 바이오메디컬 소자
Changhyun Pang (방창현), Ph. D
Associate Professor
School of Chemical Engineering,
Department of Electronic Materials &
Components Convergence Engineering,
Samsung Advanced Institute for
Health Science & Technology (SAIHST)
Sungkyunkwan University
Member of Young Korean Academy of
Science and Technology (Y-KAST)
CTO of Mimetics Co., Ltd. (Co-founder)
FWCI 2.456 (Last Author)
FWCI 8.217 (First Author)
FWCI 3.036 (Co-Author)
E-mail: chpang-at-skku-dot-edu
2066 Seobu-ro, Jagnan-gu, Suwon,
Gyeonggi-do 440-746, Korea
전기전자공학부, 소재부품융합공학과
삼성의료원 융합의과학과
한국차세대과학한림원 회원
■ Associate Professor
♣ School of Chemical Engineering (2020. 03 - Current)
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.
Super-intelligent Polymer 3D-Architecture (SP3) Lab:
♣ Department of Electronic Materials and Components Convergence Engineering (2022. 03 - Current)
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
♣ Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology (SAIHST, 2015. 10 - Current)
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.
■ Assistant Professor
♣ School of Chemical Engineering (2014. 03 - 2020.02)
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.
■ Adjunct professor
♣ SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT, 2015.08 - 2020.02),
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.
SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology :
■ Post Doc. Research Scholar (2013-2014)
♣ Department of Chemical Engineering, Advisor : Prof. Zhenan Bao,
Stanford University, California, USA.
Bao Research Group :
■ Post Doc. Research Scholar (2012)
♣ At Institute of Advanced Machinery and Design,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
■ Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2012)
♣ Multiscale Mechanical Design, Advisor : Prof. Kahp-Yang Suh
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Thesis title: Bio-inspired design and fabrication for multiscale reversible interlocking
Multisclae Biomimetic Systems Lab :
■ SAMSUNG Electronics Co., LCD Division (2005-2006)
■ B. S. in Chemical Engineering (2005)
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
♠ Selected as SKKU Success Young Fellow (SKKU 성공영펠로우 선정), June 2024
♠ Nano Research Young Innovators Awards in Bio-inspired Nanomaterials (NR45) by TUP and Springer Nature, December 2023
♠ Commendation from the Minister of Health and Welfare (보건의료기술 진흥 유공자, 보건복지부 장관 표창), December 2023
♠ Recognition from the Minister of Health and Welfare of Korea (우수성과 30선 선정), May 2023
♠ Selected as the top 100 excellent researchers by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea (한국 보건복지부 우수성과 100선 선정), December 2022
♠ Selected as a Member of The Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (한국차세대과학기술한림원 선정), 2020
♠ Science and Technology Award by Korea Government (이달의 과학자상 수상, 과학기술정보통신부장관), April, 2019
♠ Selected Top 100 Research Result by Korea Government (국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 선정, 과학기술정보통신부장관), 2018
♠ Selected Top 5 Outstanding Researcher in Bio-Tech by BRIC (BRIC 생물학연구정보센터 바이오융합부문 TOP 5 선정), 2017
♠ Outstanding Polymer Young Scientist by Korean Polymer Society, (한국고분자학회 우수신진연구자상 수상), 2017
♠ Best Paper Award in 5th Molecular Materials Meeting at Singapore, (M3 MEETING 우수논문상 수상), 2015
♠ Research Excellence Award for outstanding publication in Ph.D work, Seoul National University, (최우수 박사학위논문상), 2012
♠ MRS GSA Silver Award in Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall, Boston (MRS 미국재료학회 우수 박사학위논문상), 2012
♠ Golden Prize in 17th Human Tech Thesis Prize (1ST Author), SAMSUNG Electronics Co.(삼성휴먼테크 논문대상 재료분과 금상), 2011
♠ Bronze Prize in 16th Human Tech Thesis Prize (1ST Author), SAMSUNG Electronics Co.(삼성휴먼테크 논문대상 기계설계분과 동상), 2010
♠ Best Paper Award in 12nd Conference of Korea MEMS, (학회 우수논문발표상 수상), 2010
♠ Best Paper Award in 12nd Conference of Korea Institute of Chemical Engineering, (학회 우수논문발표상 수상), 2007
♠ Brain Korea National Science Scholarship of Korea research Foundation (2010-2012)
♠ Academic Excellence Scholarship in Sungkyunkwan University (2005)
♠ Academic Excellence Scholarship in Sungkyunkwan University (2004)
Academic Services
♦ 한국고분자학회 Colloid and Interface 분과 학술위원 (2024-)
♦ Associate Editor, Droplet, Wiley (2022-)
♦ 한국바이오칩학회 학술위원 (2020-)
♦ IMID 2020 한국디스플레이 산업전시회 학술위원 (2018-2019)
♦ 미국국제학술대회 Nature Inspired Surface Engineering Conference 학술 기술위원 (2019-2020)
♦ 국제학술대회 ENGE 2016 Mechanical and Physical Sensors 프로그램 위원 (2016)
♦ 국제학술대회 The Workshop in IEEE RO-MAN 2014 conference 프로그램 위원 (2014)
♦ 한국고분자학회 고분자과학과 기술지 편집위원 (2015-2016)
♦ 한국고분자학회 종신회원
♦ 한국화학공학회 종신회원
♦ 한국공업회학회 종신회원
♦ A PROGRAM & TECHNICAL COMMITTEE of The Korean Biochip Society (2020-) (S. Korea)
♦ A TECHNICAL COMMITTEE of International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2018-2019) (S. Korea)
♦ A TECHNICAL COMMITTEE of Nature Inspired Surface Engineering Conference (NISE 2019-2020) (USA & S. Korea)
♦ A PROGRAM ORGANIZER of ENGE 2016 Mechanical and Physical Sensors (Jeju, Korea, 2016)
♦ A PROGRAM COMMITTEE of The Workshop in IEEE RO-MAN 2014 conference (Edinburgh, U.K., August 25, 2014)
♦ Editorial Board of Polymer Science & Technology (2015-2016)