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Our article “A Flexible and Highly Sensitive Strain Gauge Sensor using Reversible Interlocking of Nanofibers (Pang et al), ” was featured in cover page of a number of USA & UK Presses.

Next Generation: Ciliated Sensor (TheScientist) By Sabrina Richards | July 30, 2012

What’s New: It’s not a one-sensation device: like the skin, the new sensor can detect multiple types of mechanical disturbance. “It is nice that their device is capable of sensing shear and torsion, which are difficult for most other sensors,” Zhenan Bao (Standford) of Stanford University, who did not participate in the research, wrote in an email. The interlocking nanofiber sensor can also detect pressure, while exhibiting high sensitivity compared to other types of sensors, said Suh.

Hairy solution to making sensitive artificial skin ( by Tim Wogan | July 30, 2012

John Rogers (UIUC) is impressed by the researchers’ design. “It represents a clever way to combine materials, mechanics and structure layouts for a class of tactile sensor technology that has exceptional performance and the ability to integrate naturally with the surface of the skin,” he says. He is sceptical, however, about the researchers’ claim to have removed the need for complex electronic circuitry. “If one is interested in real, multifunctional artificial skin, then you need a lot more and different stuff, such as different sensors, electronic amplifiers and multiplexers. The need for and benefits of active electronics do not go away,” he adds.

Hairy solution to making sensitive artificial skin ( by Tim Wogan | July 30, 2012

[The others]



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